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Tag: Microcircuits

NanoXplore FACTS SHEET quarterly

Major news are : NXmap3 news available from https://download.nanoxplore.com NG-Medium QML-V CQFP-352 qualification with Delta ESCC evaluation is completed. The DLA approval will come in coming weeks as well as the relevant SMD 5962F20217, The CLGA-625 qualification is still running as expected. NG-Large CLGA-1752 ESCC qualification is running, NG-Ultra v1 device evaluation almost completed. NG-Ultra final version…
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Apogee Semiconductor – TalRad™ Process Design

Apogee Semiconductor, a provider of technologies and products for space and other extreme environments, announced today their TalRad™ Process Design Kit is available for evaluation. The Transistor-Adjusted-Layout for Radiation (TalRad™) Process Design Kit (PDK) is a rad-hard process design methodology that improves the radiation performance of commercial process technologies, enabling the rapid creation of rad-hard designs…
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NanoXplore Software update NXmap v3

NanoXplore new Major Software update NXmap v3 available now NXmap is the main tool of NanoXplore design suite.. NXmap is the main tool of NanoXplore design suite. It allows user to perform the design flow to program a FPGA including, synthesis, place, route, static timing analysis and bitstream generation. NXmap consists in a set of…
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Programmable Logic Arrays for FPGA cores

NanoXplore is a leader in the design of large scale programmable logic arrays for state of the art FPGA cores NX-eFPGA is a family of SRAM based programmable logic blocks implemented with 4 inputs LUT and DFF fabric. Build on state-of-the-art, high routing flexibility, high density, low power programmable interconnect network, NX-eFPGA offers an innovative…
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If your organization Designs, Manufactures, Supplies, Services or uses Systems or Equipment that are designed to provide years of reliable service, the chances are that your organization is at significant risk of the global market forces driving component Obsolescence. This is the reason why obsolescence management is now an essential part of the product support…
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Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuit (PEM) Selection, Screening, and Qualification

Plastic encapsulated microcircuits (PEMs) have advantages over conventional hermetic packages in terms of size, weight, cost, availability, and performance. Aerospace designers often specify PEMs to reduce cost and shorten design cycle times, although PEMs are suitable for a wide range of harsh environments. The key to realizing these advantages lies in the PEM qualification process,…
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Cost Impacts of Upgrading Electronic Parts

The use of post-procurement processing to increase part reliability assurance, or “upgrading”, is driven by the need for state-of-the-art parts with short lead times. Upgrading is costly. Upgrading should only be done when lead-time and functionalit preclude buying the “Level-ready” equivalent. Cost benefits typically associated with COTS can only be realized if they do not…
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Obsolescence problem ? Chip Recovery Product solution

  Xtreme Semiconductors provides products and services to Aerospace, Military and Defence as an aftermarket supplier of Analog-to-digital converters, Certified End-of-life-products, microcircuits, high temperature products, plastic packaging, QML certified products, radiation Hardened IC’s, Hi-Rel products, DMS products, custom packaging, and the prevention of Counterfeit products in the Microelectronics industry. Xtreme Semi also provide EEE Componnets…
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