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NanoXplore FACTS SHEET quarterly

Major news are : NXmap3 news available from https://download.nanoxplore.com NG-Medium QML-V CQFP-352 qualification with Delta ESCC evaluation is completed. The DLA approval will come in coming weeks as well as the relevant SMD 5962F20217, The CLGA-625 qualification is still running as expected. NG-Large CLGA-1752 ESCC qualification is running, NG-Ultra v1 device evaluation almost completed. NG-Ultra final version…
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NanoXplore Software update NXmap v3

NanoXplore new Major Software update NXmap v3 available now NXmap is the main tool of NanoXplore design suite.. NXmap is the main tool of NanoXplore design suite. It allows user to perform the design flow to program a FPGA including, synthesis, place, route, static timing analysis and bitstream generation. NXmap consists in a set of…
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